Are you serious? Not again! How many times do this have to happen before it stops? This is such an inconvenience. This was me fussing last week when I left for work and came upon this long truck stuck in the middle of the road. I live close by this street that trucks will sometimes use as a shortcut. Unfortunately, the long 18-wheelers never make it because there is a steep hill right at the end of the street that doesn’t allow such a long vehicle to ride up with ease. I promise you this happens about once or twice a month. Maybe even more at times. The frustration that came over me this particular morning was fierce. I have an appointment man move out of the way!ย Someone is waiting on me and you have just thrown my schedule off course. Ugh!!!!!ย I heard Holy Spirit nudging me, “Okay DeeDee calm down you can reroute and still be on time”. Yes, I sure can and that’s exactly what I had to do because someone was in the way.
My question to you, my subscribers, which one are you, the one in the way or the one on the way? There are many that are looking for shortcuts in life and have gone off the course that God has laid out for them. Unfortunately, because they have gone off course they have become just like the tractor trailers – STUCK. You know someone I’m sure, or is it you? You have taken a job that you know you shouldn’t be on or a position in church that someone else should have. How about a pastor who knows they should retire and pass the baton to the next generation or they should have never called themselves to pastor. This is a good one; you are dating a single man that’s someone else’s husband. You know you don’t want him but you want a man so you hold on to him hoping you will like him for real one day. Let the man go so he can find his good thing. Now if you married him you have to work it out (lol). I have to cover all of the bases. Holy Spirit showed me in this experience many are holding up progress not for others but for themselves. I was rerouted and on my way but they were stuck until help arrived.
“Oh I thought that’s what God called me to do?”
To those of you that have come up on what seems to be a blockage to getting to your destination don’t be discouraged. God is about to reroute you! I could have just set there and waited until help arrived for the man in the truck and delayed my own arrival. Why get stuck there and watch others be stuck? I refuse to allow your crazy to make me look crazy too. That’s what the children of Israel did. All of the older people got stuck in the wilderness and died. You would have thought someone would have risen and said, “I refuse to die with y’all in this place of not enough.” Starting today don’t allow yourself to become as frustrated as I did watching the stuck truck. Your stuck truck could be your marriage, your job, or your children. I do not know what it is, however, I know the one with all of the rerouting directions. Your reroute could be a prayer shift, the way you treat your husband, the way you stress over your kids, or your attitude about your job. Whatever it is, relax because you are about to be rerouted my sister.
Below are two pictures on different times of the STUCK TRUCK. Ugh!! Lol

Thank you so much for sharing!!!! THANK YOU
OMG!! Confirmation!! This was right on time!!! Thank you Dr. DeeDee !! For sharing this well needed word!! Love you!!๐๐๐
This what I need to heard . Thank you
Dr. DeeDee
Omg! I read this right on time because I feel stuck and was just about to stay in this situation on my job because I’m tired of rejection. You just showed me i need an alternate route! God is so good, thank you! I love you much!
CONFIRMATION! Thank you Dr. Dee Dee, this is right on time with things I’m working towards!!!
Much Love!!
Thank you Dr DeeDee for your moments of power. That was me a few weeks ago in my ministry of helps. After much prayer I resigned so that I can go to the next level God has for me. I’m rerouting
I almost got stuck without a hotel for GGG. I missed the email to respond to the hotel and it was sold out. So I said I might not go, everywhere I called was sold out then I heard “don’t let the devil keep you away”. Then I said “you know what I’m not”. I tried another place and I will be across the street from the convention center. Thank you Jesus!
Love this one! I refuse to be a stuck truck! Thank you Dr. DeeDeeโค๏ธ
Thank you good Word.
Rerouting!! Thanks for sharing this eye opening blog.
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement. I receive!!!
Dr. Dee Dee,
Thank you very much for your faithfulness to Father God by being obedient and encouraging myself and others in the Body of Christ Thank you.
You know what this is really good that stinking thinking will keep you stuck as well but hearing from God can change the way you see and think but the choice is ours. Thanks Dr Dee Dee
Thanks Dr. DeeDee,
I’m stuck in my decision to quit my job after 13 yrs. at the same place. I’m 62, and I feel stuck. I need the courage to reroute.
Thank you Dr.DeeDee for such an awesome word on how not to be the stuck truck!May God continue to revelate you in His Word!
Re-routing….getting out of my own way!!!!Thank you. As always something to chew on for a while.
Thank you Pastor Dee Dee again Holy Spirit allowed you to help us with a self check. I thank you for being obedient and sharing real life issues, that could effect our destiny. Love you to life!
Thank you Dr.Dee for sharing this awesome and timely encouraging word of God.
Yes I want to keep moving & not get stuck in any areas of my life. I am trusting the Lord to show me the route I need to get to my destination on time!
Thank You Dr Dee Dee what a word from life experiences.
Have an Awesome ๐๐ฝ week everyone!!!
Thank you Dr.DeeDee. This message was right in time and I needed to be reminded!
God bless you
That was a good road. We always have to listen to God. There is always another route that He prepares for us.
Thank you Pastor Dee Dee! What an on time word!
I love this post!!! It confirms the re-route that’s taking place in my life!!!!! Thanks for sharing….
Oh my!! I almost gave up. I am #rerouting!!!!
Thank you Jesus! Bless you Dr. Dee Dee!!
Loved it and I love how God uses ordinary situations to communicate a revelatory word to His people.
Thank you so much.
Hi Dr. Dee Dee, this is a very interesting lesson and one I truly appreciate.
Wow!!! Yep, I’m in the way and on the way but to where I don’t know. Yep, I’m frustrated, agitated and aggravated about being in my way and this attack, light affliction, situation, like that truck is in the way and I’m stuck. Yep this hit home in a major way. But thank God for the reroute. Lord Jesus, you are the ultimate GPS!!!! Im in a rerouting season… I am so longing for July 11, #GGG2k17, been praying for an encounter like never before. I’m counting down the days… ready to go!!! Ummm this blog…ouch!!!
So much wisdom thank you for the reminders Dr DeeDee
Yes Lord!!! I am in expectancy!! God is definitely doing some rerouting in my Life!! It is sooooo amazing!!
I want be stuckโผ๏ธ
Until next life lesson
Thank You Dr. Dee Dee,
Praise God…for your Spirit driven mindset.
I thought I was in a “stuck” moment last week also, however, by the time my plane landed I had rerouted!
Again thank you..Your blogs are valuable. I will stay tuned to our Holy Spirit for different routes.
Barbara Ann
This blessed my SOCKS OFF! Thank you Dr Dee Dee for helping a sista out!!
Thanks Dr. Dee, God is rerouting my prayer life and it’s been amazing!!!!! I love how God use you in the Kingdom, you’re a holy woman that “rocks”- love you ๐
Wow! Thank you Dr. Dee. I haven’t been connected to you and your husband until I was lead to watch TV on morning and I’ve been feeding off the word ever since, only to discover my daughter had been following your daughter and now husbands story. She is also a virgin (25yrs old) All Glory to God! We live in Houston and my hearts desire is to meet you Dr. Dee Dee. I have truly been stuck! I thank God for the reroute as I’m on my way. It seems that I won’t make it to this conference, but I’m coming next year. I thank God for your life and the awesome example you and your husband set for us all. Keep being you!
P.S. if you can help me get to your conference Lord knows I need it! Lol…a closed mouth don’t get …
Love B. B.
Thank you,Thank you, Thank you Dr. Dee-Dee Much needed! A Now word, keep it moving & don’t allow distractions for get us off courses. Especially the frustrations that comes w/ distractions (SHOUTING in my Spirit)!! Thank you for this Word.
I receive this!! I have read this blog about 5 times already. Wow!! This a great revelation!! And illustration!! These pictures brings this lesson to life for me. Good stuff!! Thank you Holy Spirit. Love you to infinity Dr Dee Dee!!โค๏ธ
Wow this is so good!I never thought a reroute could be a prayer shift. So good and exactly what I needed. Thank you! As I face a difficult situation I now see God shifting my prayer life which I didn’t understand until reasing your blog. Amazing!
I love it!!
Okay Dr DeeDee this sentence right here just blessed my ENTIRE LIFE “you are dating a single man thatโs someone elseโs husband”
This was me just a little over 2 years ago, I was holding onto a relationship that we both knew was heading nowhere, yet we were holding out of convenience and neither wanting to make the decision to become “unstuck”! We both became complacent with where we were and knew that starting over seemed to be a dreadful thought, until one day I had a revelation. How dare I hold back myself and someone else from becoming all that Holy Spirit desired for them/us to be. We both had to put on our grown-up panties and decide to become “unstuck” and put those selfish behaviors away and allow one another to move on, and grow and become all that Holy needed us to be, and in the relationships He had for us to be in. How dare we spiritually rob one another from happiness, peace of mind and authentic love simply because we were comfortable, yet dying.
Thanks for this friendly reminder, because it is so easy to get sidetracked into those old habits of complacency and familiarity especially when we know a shortcut to fulfillment. Blessings, Genean
Thank you for this word. I’m about to be rerouted to a new position. Thank you Lord!!
This is priceless Dr Dee Dee. This stuck truck analogy is something my husband certainly understands. He is the heavy duty truck operator that removed this exact truck and many others on the same road and many others on numerous occasions all hours of the day and night. If Alvin had known you were in this backup last week, He would have gotten it out of the way even faster. I may have to borrow this stuck truck analogy at home, LOL. Love You!!!!!
LOL! That’s funny that you know where I am speaking of. They need a sign at the beginning of the road.
Stuck!! Pray for me. Insight on re-routing is helpful. May God continue to bless you to share in word!
Thank you so much for this word, I receive it Lord!
Is there clear signage on that roadway warning that 18 wheelers will get stuck??? Clear signage may eliminate some of those truckers from getting stuck if they read it. ๐ Like our wonderful heavenly Father, He’s left clear instructions that will stop us from getting stuck, if we read and APPLY them. Love you Dr. Dee Dee!!!!
Thanks for sharing this . I know its time for me to change jobs. Your message was another confirmation. Thanks again!
Ok, Dr. DD, Imma have to call FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration –a division of DOT) cuz that truck is a HOT MESS!!!! GREAT illustration! We’ve all been either the stuck truck or the person stuck b/c they need to get around the stuck truck! In either case, the only way out is to still one’s self and listen to/for God! For he will direct our paths if we just STOP and listen! I mean even the truck had to STOP to get outta that one!! ๐ As always, thanks for sharing! Love you! Mean it!! Smooches!
That was good. I’m the one on the way. Your blogs are amazing and always on point. A fit word…๐ฏ๐๐๐
That’s good!! I will stop letting his crazy make me look or think I’m crazy. You hit the nail on the head today. Thanks bunches!!!
I am getting off this seesaw of doubt, fear and uncertainty. I receive my reroute – I’M not in the same place I was last year or yesterday, or years past. I’m promoted, released, and see and received – I’M free
This is good!. Right now I have to make a decision about a position I have been asked to take in the church. Holy Spirit told me what it will entail and do I really want to do it. It will be a challenge but He is allowing me to decide. He has given me the information of what I will need to do. It is my decision whether or not I want to. Pray with me that I make the right one.
Oh well, I’m stuck but not any more. thanks DeeDee
Hey Dr. Dee,
I receive. Thank you.
Second time this week I heard about being stuck. So I’m checking my thought process and renewing my mind and not letting what I think I know get in the way of what I need to know. Getting unstuck.Changing more into his image from faith to faith, glory to glory. Thanks for sharing
Hi Dr. Dee,I needed that this week!! I am the one in the way!!! Thank you.
That was awesome. Thanks Dr. DeeDee
I refuse to let your crazy make me look crazy. Yes! That’ll tweet Dr. Dee Dee. Love you!