And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. I Corinthians 12:26
For one hour straight it seemed like all I heard was, “Grandma he won’t let me or she won’t let me” and quite frankly I reached the point where I had enough. I was outside on a beautiful day trying to enjoy the sun while allowing my five kisses to play together. I was trying hard not to ruin the fun by saying, “forget it let’s go in the house” LOL. STOP IT! Thank God that I did not blow it, I started to pray and ask wisdom to instruct me because the way I raised my kids is antiquated LOL I whoop children. My daughter is a counter, bless her heart. You know by now I will get a life lesson out of everything, and my husband has taught me how to pause and HEAR in every MOMENT. Listen to me and remember this, “Moments Matter.” All it takes is one moment to ruin or raise your life. That is why my last blog about hearing Holy Spirit was so important. In that moment of chaos and confusion, the cleverness of Holy Spirit gave me a game to play to teach them the power of unity. I want my babies to get along with people, and if they are not taught how to get along with each other, they will grow up like some of you who prefer to be alone. We can accomplish so much more together than alone. Most of you know I am planning my women’s conference (check it out here!), and in doing this I need a lot of help. It would be impossible to get the job done with just me. I so appreciate all of my help whether it is a big help or little help because I need help. Let’s make this day appreciation day and call or text someone that you have not spoken with in a while and appreciate them.
My sister you were not created to do life alone. I’m challenging you to come off the island of your mind that you have created for just you. Forsake your hermit nature and come out of the hole you have dug so deep that you can hardly breathe. The Father God has created us to be helpers one to another. If you continue to stay to yourself and focus only on your position in life, you will miss out on those God-opportunities to be advanced and to help others advance by working together. The men in our ministry came together and bought two families a car and changed their lives forever. My husband says all the time that we do not lack the resources but rather the unity. One simple act of demonstrated love made a mark that cannot be erased. It is called the power of unity.
In the video, nothing could move unless everybody moved together. When you pause in life, whether it is due to a trial or a celebrating victory, your steps affect the movement of everyone else.
LOVE IT!! Thank you Dr. DeeDee for the words you speak weekly!! Much Love to you!!!
I love this too. My motto is “Teamwork makes the Dream work”
WOW, this is so on point for my prayers of unity for my home and workplace.
Psalm 133:1 and Ephesians 4:3,3
Thank you for always meeting us where we are Dr Dee. Love You So Much!
I really appreciate this lesson! I’m planning my wedding and whew. I need help! Thank you
Thank You
Like what was said back in the day, “it takes a village”, and it’s so true. To all the grandmothers out there and people taking care of other children…..keep on creating good memories. It takes a toll on you at times, but God always sends help just when you need it.
Awesome demonstration
I appreciate you Dr. Deedee,
The powerful illustrations you presents greatly impacts my life. I’m a visual person and I just love how you can impact ones life just by illustrating to get your message across. Love you ❤️
Hummmmm! Yes, according to Scripture, Jesus prays for unity in His prayer in John 17. Unity is important to God because His desire is that the world may believe that He have sent His Son, Jesus Christ (Salvation). Our unity is a witness to the world that we first love God and then that we love one another, then the world (they) will know that we are His (Jesus) disciples! His prayer informs us, I suggest by letting us know that it would be a issue with the people of God. I have to keep in mind that I’m being raised up, to daily crucify this flesh, to be serious about growing in faith (this pleases my Heavenly Father) by grace because this will make me more like the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Sidebar: God used Galatians 5:22-23 to get my life back on track. I love this quote:”You know by now I will get a life lesson out of everything, and my husband has taught me how to pause and HEAR in every MOMENT” Truly, words of wisdom! Sidebar: Also, this sounds like a book title: “HEAR in every MOMENT! Nevertheless, as we are being taught by the Holy Spirit, if we’re listening with our hearts, let us do exactly what Pastor Mike admonishes you that I/we all may consider and take seriously to do, that is “HEAR in every MOMENT.” Bless Jesus!
Thank you so much Pray meet you one Day i have watch your life you never give up just like my Mother said thank you DR DEDE you change my life
Thanks for this. You must really know me Dr. Dee Dee because I always want to be alone. I needed this so I can open up and be with others. I really appreciate you and love you.
I am so “there” with the power of unity! Thank you so much for this article! And it’s also good to know that, as a confessed “antiquated children raiser” myself, that we can call upon the Holy Spirit to help us raise our grandchildren in the “present.” LOL! Thanks so much, Dr. Dee Dee, for sharing your insights!
Powerful lesson and I so needed to hear this. I am a loner and this really blessed me. Thank you Dr. Deedee😘
Love how you used the children’s playground ride as an example & illustration! Thank you for the creative & innovative gift you are to the body of Christ, Dr Dee Dee!
Yes, so true. Thanks for your weekly blog and words of encouragement, Mom! Love you.
Dr. DeeDee you spoke directly to my spirit about being on an island alone. I’m an only girl of five brothers; and a true introvert who has no real friends that I hang with. I’ve tried and tried but I’m not a chic type of woman so I end up alone and fine with it. I’m working on it, plus there’s things that most women participate in that I will never ever do either. Love you and your blogs.
This was just for me because I know I can be content being to myself…..
Thank you Dr. Dee Dee. You always encourage and inspire me. Your blog reminds me of this quote. “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we; we are each other’s magnitude and bond” Gwendolyn Brooks
Thanks for sharing, working together is always better than working alone, #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
Dr. Dee Dee… your gran kisses are so cute..
Thanks Dr DeeDee! As always I look forward to reading your blogs. They always add more to my soul.. great words of wisdom and encouragement.
Amen!! #Unitybringsaboutchange when we are all joined (knit) together, by what every joint (not the plant!🤣) supplies (Eph. 4:16) we can accomplish sooo much more!! We shouldn’t be trying to do life alone! And Thanks for the reminder to pause and hear in every moment!! #momentsmatter
I love and appreciate YOU to the max! Hugging you tight😍
Thanks for sharing this. This post blessed me this morning. I enjoy my quiet time, maybe too much. My grandson tells me I need a husband so I will have someone to help me. He is helpful, but he is only six. Grands are precious!
Hello Dr Dee Dee thank you. This blog also spoke to our patience with our little ones. Love
Awake thou that steepest! I am AWAKE!
Dr. Dee Dee, excellent example and so true. Thank you sharing because it helps us to see things in a different way and it brings light to the situation. Have a wonderful day and we Love you!
Awesome illustration!
Yes, this is good. We can do nothing by ourselves here on earth. We were created to help each other. I am a people person and always have been. And it does bother me when I see people who do not want to help others.That is selfish. God has helped me get over that. So now I am at the place where I help where God directs me and I do not worry about what others think or say about me anymore. Great advice you gave. I pray for those who do not see the necessity in helping others. Jesus has helped all of us, and we are to follow his example. Amen.
Yes indeed, “Team work makes the hard work easy”. Thanks for sharing your life and wisdom Dr. Dee Dee…
I thank God for you stirring up the gift that’s in side of me. You are heaven sent.
It’s like the song, I need you, you need me, we all are part of God’s family, Amen!
First, your grandkisses are precious! This was a great post! Thank you for the reminder.
I am encouraged to unite with others and spend less time alone than I do. Thanks Dr. Deedee for sharing this blog today.
I love this! It is definitely something for me to chew on. 😋 Thank you so much for sharing!
Profound!!! The beauty we find in life. Such a great example!!! Much Love
Thank you. That was such a small example but a big lesson for me. God bless always.
Thank you for always looking deeper. God bless you
Thank you. UNITY
The problem with us as adults we are to prideful to ask for help. Great illustration on how working together can advance your process. The first step is just asking for help.
Hey🙋🏾 Dr.DeeDee
Got it come togather and make it work. Unity !
Thanks, Until next life lesson 👋🏾
Blessings and love to you, thank you for this message. May we touch and agree for more unity in Jesus name.
Thanks Dr.DeeDee for such a great word, teaching and illustration…. we all need each other and I really need you ladies on the blog….. Blessings to each and everyone of you!! ❤️❤️❤️
We All LOVE YOU, Dr.DeeDee
Beautiful! Yet in most instances we do try to do it on our own & we get stuck or it takes longer. Working together brings movement, faster results & everyone is empowered at the same time (growing & strenching in unity). There’s power in unity!!! Like Always Thank You 😊
Thank you!!
Thanks Dr. Dee Dee for the awesome word you send each week… I pray that God will continue to be a blessing to you as you continue to bless us with God Awesome word.
Awww, the pic of grand kisses is so cute..yes, there are plenty of women who still have trust issues with other women, who even have problems sharing a Hotel room…keep doing the Women’s conferences,etc….Liberty & freedom is always needed among women…we can accomplish so much more
This is right on time Dr. Dee Dee. God has been speaking to me about teamwork. Holy spirit is Awesome! Love you Sister. Your Grand children are Adorable. See you at God’s Glam.
Fire Dr. Deedee! You keep me growing in excellence knowing this is my NORMAL!!! Love you to pieces and I will see you in July!!
Such an amazing Example! ❤️ It!
Love It! Teamwork makes the dream work. Thank you for sharing.
I Need You. Blessings